10 July 2013

Paddington's boundaries

Before moving to Paddington I knew, of course, that it is one of Sydney's inner eastern suburbs, about 3kms from the Sydney CBD. However, while I had a vague idea about the extent of Paddington, I wasn't sure. So, the first thing I wanted to find out about Paddington was its boundaries - exactly which parts of my local area are "Paddington" and which aren't. Surprisingly, this proved to be a little more difficult than I'd anticipated. I tried the Woollahra Council website, the Department of Lands and some other government sources, hoping for a definitive map of suburb boundaries, all to no avail. Perhaps one is out there, but I couldn't find it.

Ultimately, I had to revert to my hard copy Sydway street directory (does anyone actually use these in their cars anymore?). Sydway tells me that Paddington is the area enclosed by Neild Avenue, Boundary Street and South Dowling Street (making the border with Darlinghurst to the west), Moore Park Road (bordering, of course, Moore Park to the south), Jersey Road (to the east, bordering Woollahra) and Trumper Park and the White City tennis centre (making the border with Edgecliff and Rushcutters Bay to the north).

With Paddington's geographic limits in mind, I can start my explorations.

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